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JSON Schema

Below is the full JSON schema used for parsing BTXML.

BTXML JSON Parsing Schema
"version": 2.0,
"name": "BTXML Script",
"id": "31112",
"commands": [{
"name": "Command1",
"repeatCount": 1,
"actions": [{
"type": "Print",
"jobName": "Job1",
"waitForJobToComplete": false,
"timeout": 10000,
"returnPrintData": false,
"returnSummary": true,
"returnLabelData": true,
"returnChecksum": false,
"format": {
"documentPath": "Document1.btw",
"closeAtEndOfJob": true,
"documentPassword": "password123",
"saveAtEndOfJob": false
"licenseServer": {
"address": "",
"alternateAddress": "",
"alternatePort": 1234,
"alternateRetries": 1,
"alternateTimeout": 10000,
"port": 1234,
"retries": 1,
"timeout": 10000
"mediaHandling": {
"action": "",
"dataItemName": "",
"dataItemType": "",
"ignoreCase": "",
"numberLabels": "",
"occurrence": ""
"namedSubStrings": [{
"name": "Named Data Source",
"value": "Text Value"

"printSetup": {
"autoPrintAgain": false,
"enablePrompting": false,
"identicalCopiesOfLabel": false,
"numberSerializedLabels": 0,
"paperTray": "Tray 1",
"printer": "Printer1",
"printToFile": false,
"printToFileLicense": "",
"printToFileName": "FileName.png",
"recordRange": "1-10",
"startingPosition": 0,
"useDatabase": false,
"performance": {
"allowFormatCaching": false,
"allowGraphicsCaching": false,
"allowSerialization": false,
"allowStaticGraphics": false,
"allowStaticObjects": false,
"allowVariableDataOptimization": false,
"warnWhenUsingTrueTypeFonts": false
"queryPrompts": [{
"name": "Prompt1",
"defaultReply": "",
"userPrompt": "Prompt?",
"vale": ""
"recordSets": [{
"name": "RecordSet1",
"type": "btXML",
"addIfNone": false,
"delimitation": "btDelimComma",
"fieldDelimiter": " ",
"fileName": "",
"numberOfFields": 5,
"password": "password",
"sqlStatement": "",
"textData": "",
"userFieldNamesFromFirstRecord": false,
"userId": "123123"
"type": "FormatSetup",
"format": {
"documentPath": "Document1.btw",
"closeAtEndOfJob": true,
"documentPassword": "password123",
"saveAtEndOfJob": false
"licenseServer": {
"address": "",
"alternateAddress": "",
"alternatePort": 1234,
"alternateRetries": 1,
"alternateTimeout": 10000,
"port": 1234,
"retries": 1,
"timeout": 10000
"mediaHandling": {
"action": "",
"dataItemName": "",
"dataItemType": "",
"ignoreCase": "",
"numberLabels": "",
"occurrence": ""
"namedSubStrings": [{
"name": "Named Data Source",
"value": "Text Value"

"printSetup": {
"autoPrintAgain": false,
"enablePrompting": false,
"identicalCopiesOfLabel": false,
"numberSerializedLabels": 0,
"paperTray": "Tray 1",
"printer": "Printer1",
"printToFile": false,
"printToFileLicense": "",
"printToFileName": "FileName.png",
"recordRange": "1-10",
"startingPosition": 0,
"useDatabase": false,
"performance": {
"allowFormatCaching": false,
"allowGraphicsCaching": false,
"allowSerialization": false,
"allowStaticGraphics": false,
"allowStaticObjects": false,
"allowVariableDataOptimization": false,
"warnWhenUsingTrueTypeFonts": false
"queryPrompts": [{
"name": "Prompt1",
"defaultReply": "",
"userPrompt": "Prompt?",
"value": ""
"recordSets": [{
"name": "RecordSet1",
"type": "btXML",
"addIfNone": false,
"delimitation": "btDelimComma",
"fieldDelimiter": " ",
"fileName": "",
"numberOfFields": 5,
"password": "password",
"sqlStatement": "",
"textData": "",
"userFieldNamesFromFirstRecord": false,
"userId": "123123"
"type": "ExportPrintPreviewToImage",
"namedSubStrings": [{
"name": "Named Data Source",
"value": "Text Value"

"printSetup": {
"autoPrintAgain": false,
"enablePrompting": false,
"identicalCopiesOfLabel": false,
"numberSerializedLabels": 0,
"paperTray": "Tray 1",
"printer": "Printer1",
"printToFile": false,
"printToFileLicense": "",
"printToFileName": "FileName.png",
"recordRange": "1-10",
"startingPosition": 0,
"useDatabase": false,
"performance": {
"allowFormatCaching": false,
"allowGraphicsCaching": false,
"allowSerialization": false,
"allowStaticGraphics": false,
"allowStaticObjects": false,
"allowVariableDataOptimization": false,
"warnWhenUsingTrueTypeFonts": false
"queryPrompts": [{
"name": "Prompt1",
"defaultReply": "",
"userPrompt": "Prompt?",
"vale": ""
"recordSets": [{
"name": "RecordSet1",
"type": "btXML",
"addIfNone": false,
"delimitation": "btDelimComma",
"fieldDelimiter": " ",
"fileName": "",
"numberOfFields": 5,
"password": "password",
"sqlStatement": "",
"textData": "",
"userFieldNamesFromFirstRecord": false,
"userId": "123123"