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Version: 8.1


Returns an object that allows running client-side JavaScript against a component property.

See JavaScript Proxy Objects for more information.



proxy = component.getJavaScriptProxy(property)


StringpropertyName of the component property to proxy. Supported properties: chart


JavaScriptProxy - A proxy for the JavaScript property.


Reset Zoom

This simple example resets the zoom status of the chart.

# JavaScript function to run on the client. `this` refers to the chart instance.
resetZoom = '(mode) => this.resetZoom(mode)'

# JavaScript function arguments.
args = {
'mode': 'none'

# Get a proxy for an Embr-Charts Chart.js chart instance.
chart = self.getJavaScriptProxy('chart')

# Asynchronously call the resetZoom function.
chart.runAsync(resetZoom, args)

In this case, we get a JavaScriptProxy for the chart component and asynchronously call the resetZoom method, passing in the mode as an argument (with 'none' indicating no zoom reset).

Add Data to the Chart

You can also add new data points to the chart after its initial creation, bypassing Perspective's property tree. Here's how you can add data to a Chart.js chart:

# JavaScript function to add data to the chart.
addData = '''(label, data) => {[0].data.push(data)

# Arguments to add a new data point.
args = {
'label': '2024 Q1',
'data': 120

# Get the chart proxy.
chart = self.getJavaScriptProxy('chart')

# Asynchronously add the new data.
chart.runAsync(addData, args)

In this case, the addData function adds a new data point to the chart's dataset, with a label of '2024 Q1' and a value of 120. The update method is called to refresh the chart and display the new data.

Remove Data from the Chart

Removing data from a chart can also be done via a JavaScript function. Here's how you can remove a specific data point by label:

# JavaScript function to remove a data point.
removeData = '''(label) => {
const index =
if (index !== -1) {, 1)[0].data.splice(index, 1)

# Arguments for the label to remove.
args = {
'label': '2023 Q4'

# Get the chart proxy.
chart = self.getJavaScriptProxy('chart')

# Asynchronously remove the data.
chart.runAsync(removeData, args)

This example finds the data point by its label ('2023 Q4'), removes it from the chart, and then updates the chart to reflect the change.

Update Chart Options Dynamically

Sometimes, you may need to update the chart's configuration options dynamically, such as changing the chart's animation settings or the legend visibility. Here's an example that disables the chart's animation:

# JavaScript function to disable animation.
disableAnimation = '''(animation) => {
this.options.animation = animation

# Arguments to disable animation.
args = {
'animation': false

# Get the chart proxy.
chart = self.getJavaScriptProxy('chart')

# Asynchronously disable animation.
chart.runAsync(disableAnimation, args)

In this case, the runAsync function sets the animation option to false, which disables chart animations, and then updates the chart to apply the new setting.

Get Chart Data

To retrieve the current data from the chart, you can use the runAsync method to access the data object directly:

# JavaScript function to get chart data.
getData = '() =>'

# Get the chart proxy.
chart = self.getJavaScriptProxy('chart')

# Asynchronously get the chart data.
chart.runAsync(getData, {}, lambda data: system.perspective.print(data))

This example asynchronously retrieves the chart's data (such as labels and datasets) and prints it in the console via the callback function. This approach can be useful if you need to inspect or manipulate the data from within the Perspective session.

Toggle Chart Legend Visibility

In many cases, you may want to toggle the visibility of the chart's legend. Here's an example of how to hide or show the chart's legend dynamically:

# JavaScript function to toggle the legend visibility.
toggleLegend = '''(visible) => {
this.options.plugins.legend.display = visible

# Arguments to hide the legend.
args = {
'visible': False

# Get the chart proxy.
chart = self.getJavaScriptProxy('chart')

# Asynchronously toggle legend visibility.
chart.runAsync(toggleLegend, args)

In this example, the toggleLegend function sets the legend.display option to false, hiding the chart’s legend. You can easily toggle this to true to make the legend visible again.